900 or more questions
…….and the usual answer? “not just yet”!
8th June was mercifully dry, after a week of very unpredictable weather. So 90 of Banstead’s Beaver Scouts and 25 leaders, young leaders and other helpers were mightily relieved as we arrived for our Adventure Day.
The colonies met at Banstead Woods; dodged past the slower Park Runners and followed the Narnia trail back to Park Farm.
The Beavers then had an exciting day of climbing, shooting and archery, plus lots of outdoor games. Amongst other things, they tackled an obstacle course; target practice; duck fishing; football skittles and metal detecting. They also made and launched rockets; painted stones and rescued a rubber duck from a holey drainpipe.
And as for that very important question; asked at least 10 times by every Beaver Scout…… “is it time for the water fight yet?”
To their relief and delight, eventually the answer was “yes” and chaos reigned for the final part of the day, as the Beavers ran riot and the leaders ran for cover.
So, despite our good fortune with the weather, lots of us still went home a bit soggier than we’d arrived. But badges were achieved; climbing walls were scaled; archery and shooting targets (sometimes) were hit; tea was drunk and a good time was had by all.
Many thanks to all the leaders, young leaders and helpers who gave up their day.